Here is my take on it:
In my opinion, self-evaluation is important for both the employee as well as the employer. Employee has a chance to exhibit his achievements and the employer can judge the maturity level of an employee through the self-evaluation.
There is no doubt that the employee can rate himself whatever he wants (as suggested in the report). But then, the manager is a manager because he knows his direct reports. The manager is being paid to know the person in-out and hence rate them as per his own knowledge. Self-evaluations are in fact a great chance to see if the person in question is mature enough to be promoted and may be made a manager himself. For, if he can rate himself rightly, he can rate others as well.
Shareapic has a unique revenue sharing model that compensates users for directing their friends and family to see their hosted images.
Making money from the Share A Pic site is a simple process. You earn money for every image view that you manage to receive. So if you upload a photo you took of your pet dog, and you manage to receive 10 image views, you will earn 10 x whatever the set payment rate is. When a member hosts a gallery, they can then show this gallery to others. Each time this is done, the member is paid.
ShareAPic pays you cash if you are good at sharing your pics uploaded to the service; the details:
- Get paid $0.22 per 1000 pic views;
- Pay out within 30 days
- Payments via PayPal
- Alternative prizes: gift certificates from Amazon and eLuxury
Link: Signup with ShareAPic
If you use Windows, There is every chance that you have felt the heat, when there are applications/software in your system that hang or turn irresponsive. Here is way to lessen the pain:
Terminating crashed Applications quick will not make you wait until the it closes by itself, you can change the wait time in system registry. To do this, Open Regedit and navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
and change the value of "HungAppTimeout" key to 500 or 1000
500 = .5 seconds
Hope this helps!
- In general, you should set the size of the paging file to the same size as your system RAM plus 12 MB. There is a minimum size requirement of 22 MB for the operating system. If system RAM plus 12 MB is less than 22 MB, increase the size of the paging file until your system RAM plus paging file is at least 22 MB. This is just for the operating system's own requirments. For reasonable application performance, a 40 MB total is recommended.
- If you have multiple hard disks, splitting up the paging file is a good idea, as it will speed up the access time. If you have two hard disks, and you split the paging file, both hard disks can be accessing information simultaneously, greatly increasing the throughput. However, if you have two hard disks, and one hard disk is faster than the other, it may be more effective to store the paging file on only the faster hard disk. Some experimentation may be necessary to arrive at the best configuration for your system.
Note: There is no point in splitting up the paging file between multiple partitions as it does not increase the ability of the hard disk to access the paging file. This may be a good idea, however, if your logical drives aren't large enough for the entire paging file.
- right click my computer
- click properties
- click advanced (tab)
- under performance click settings
- click advanced (tab) under virtual memory click change
- Enter the desired value here or select "no paging file" to turn the virtual memory off.
Clearing the Page file:
Alternatively, you can clear the paging file as well while switching off the Computer. To do so, follow the below steps:
- Go to Start
- Click on "Run"
- Type "regedit" in the "open" textbox and click OK
- In the registry window that opens, nevigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" and then change the value of "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" to 1 ie:- dword:00000001
Clearing the paging file is a good practice, as this file can otherwise be used to retrieve your personal information.
The new search capabilities in Windows Vista are certainly a significant step up from those in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. For once, you can actually find what you're looking for in a reasonable amount of time. By default, however, the new Vista search feature only indexes the partition where the operating system is installed, which is usually the C: drive. That's fine, unless you have a second partition or second hard drive you use to store your data files. In that case, you have to manually add the second hard drive to the search index. Luckily, it’s only a two step process!
Step 1: Turn On the Search Indexing for the Second Hard Drive/Partition
Double click on your My Computer icon, right click on the drive and choose Properties. Then check the box that says “Index this drive for faster searching.” Finally, click OK.For some strange reason, that doesn't actually add the drive to the index, so you have to perform one more step.
Step 2: Add the Drive to the Indexing Options
Go to Start, Control Panel and click on Indexing Options. In the dialogue box, you’ll see a list of current locations that are indexed by the Indexing service. Click on the Modify button and check off the second partition or hard drive you want indexed (for example, D:, E:, etc).
If you don't see the drive you're looking for, make sure you press the "Show all locations" button at the bottom of the window. You should then see all of the possible choices:
That’s it! Windows Vista will then begin indexing the new location and results from the extra drives will appear in your searches. Now, you can also add network drives to the Vista search index, as long as the drive is a mapped drive. Note that turning on the indexing in Vista is a great way to find files quickly and I would suggest keeping it on all the time. However, you may want to turn it off if your computer seems to be running slow.Either way, this is an easy way to make your Vista searching even easier!

No assembly till 1994!
It has the status of a Federally Administered Area. The chief executive authority for the region is the Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Northern Areas, States and Frontier Regions. Assisting him is a Deputy Chief Executive who is appointed by the Chief Executive from amongst the members of the Northern Areas Legislative Council, who shall be elected by majority vote by the members of the Council. The Deputy Chief Executive is effectively a Minister of State. Advisors, who are appointed by the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive, from amongst the members of the Northern Areas Legislative Council, assist the Deputy Chief Executive. The Advisors are entitled to the status of a Provincial Minister.
Northern Areas Legislative Council
The Pakistani Government has reportedly set up only 12 high schools and two regional colleges in the Northern Areas, with no post graduate facilities. Very few locals are able to secure government jobs, and when they do, they are paid 25 per cent less than non-native entrants from Pakistan's Punjab province. There are no local dailies, or local radio or television stations. According to the most recently available data, there is just one doctor for 6,000 people. Piped water supply is virtually non-existent. And two thirds of the population must do without electricity in an area where winters are extremely harsh.
7 years of Parliament attack: did we learn anything?
December 13th 2001: A group of gun weilding terrorists attacked the Parliament of India (the so called Temple of Democracy).
Seven years down the line, India is still bleeding from the wounds the terrorists have given it. Have we learnt anything? Lets see what have we learnt or NOT LEARNT.
How not to politicize the terror issues
Afzal Guru, the terrorist convicted in Parliament attack case is still ALIVE! Supreme court had pronounced a death penalty on him 2005. The execution was to happen on October 20, 2006, but the man and his family filed a clemency plea to the president of India. the decision is still pending.
Are we waiting for another IC-814 to be hijacked so that we can set Afzal free? Please stop the vote bank politics and hang the terrorist. Send a strong signal to all who think they can do anything they want to India and still be free.
Intelligence System still needs overhauling
There needs to be a better coordination between different departments. In Mumbai attacks, we had prior information about such an attack but did not act on the information. Result in there for all to see. There should be some accountability in such cases. Intelligence system should be modernized. There should be follow up actions once the information is provided.
Real time Physical security
We should learn from Isreal. Isreal is surrounded by 13 enemies and is still surviving. We need to nip the terror camps at the preparatory stage itself. The preparedness of Police and Security agencies should be on a war scale.
We need to secure our borders first and then launch a major assualt on the terrorists at the root level. Dry up their funds, their access to weapons. Finish the support staff first. The terror camps will seize to exist on their own. This would require deplomatic initiatives, warfront efforts.
But for all this, our polititians have to be at their best and wouls need to work towards a common goal without looking for the petty gains over each other.
May we live long enough to see that day!